Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 2009 Update

I'm still alive. And this update is long overdue! Wow, what a time it's been, I swear! Is it really July?

I've made some significant decisions and changes in my life in the last year, that's for sure. Even in the last month. It's been a whirlwind, but it finally led me to the perfect place for me to accomplish the next chapter in my life goals - and that place is HOME, ironically enough. Who woulda thought? Certainly not me. The universe works in mysterious ways.

After Thailand, I went back to Oregon and was preparing to teach english in South Korea after realizing I didn't want to struggle to work in Thailand and that it wasn't perhaps the greatest match. It's easy to romanticize living and working in Thailand. I wanted a steady income, and not to struggle financially, but to continue being of service. And I wanted to travel more, which teaching english would easily allow one to do.

Then I answered a call for work in southern Indiana, working with an old aquaintance, teaching raw food prep weekends at a center in the country, and decided to give the raw food health world ONE last whirl. It was a tough call, but I'm told that's where I belong and that's where my strengths are - and I do know my field well - but I have found it to be quite a toxic industry, overall. It was unexpected, and I took that as a sign.

In Indiana I learned some, taught some, and like most other life experiences, I found out what I was REALLY there for: to value my true potential. All along I've been running myself ragged, stressing out, and for people that ultimately stab you in the back or drop you when they have used what they want from you, it seems. And here I've made great strides, but I jumped in full-throttle (very "Erica-esque") and my own healing went on the backburner. It's been an eye-opening, delightful, and at times very painful journey - one that I wouldn't trade for the world. But it was time to take a step back and really examine what I was doing, if it was working for me, and if my needs were being met. It was important for me to leave my position in Indiana on good terms, and I did. But it was just as important for me to stand up for myself when the time came, and I did that too!

I firmly believe we are always right where we are supposed to be, and that we are always surrounded by the perfect people to teach us what we need to learn (not necessarily what we always want to learn, mind you!) Thanks to some wonderful, amazing people and some shocking twists and turns, I have surprisingly ended up right back in Chicago, my HOME, and home of the blues --- my favorite live music scene, hands down.

I was unemployed for all of 12 hours or so - the number one raw vegan restaurant in Chicagoland had an opening for a full-time raw chef (isn't the universe amazing?) so I started work immediately. It's an amazing, positive environment where I love going to work every day. I love how physical it is, and just focusing on the food and not the cancer, the stress of keeping a fledgling business afloat, etc. It's a well-organized, thriving vessel, and I'm happy to be on board! That said, the restaurant industry will definitely keep you VERY busy; it's so great to have so much to do! And it's FUN. And the food is FABULOUS.

I definitely have learned a lot, and consider myself a lot wiser. In the last month alone I have roadtripped for two weeks, reconnecting with family and relatives, which reminded me of who I am and where I come from. I voluntarily left my position, in THIS economy, to stand up for myself and what I will and will not allow in my life. I was blessed to finally meet in person my friends Belinda and Julius, in Decatur, Georgia, and to be treated with some of the most outstanding love and respect I have ever felt (which is huge), and to visit the King Center, a tribute to my favorite person in history. I had a job open up for me immediately right in my field, a job of integrity that is a lot of fun, that will teach me the next phase of skills for whatever I'm meant to be doing, plus allow me to share mine. As well, it will feed me optimally. I am also going to be living downtown Chicago in an environment that is ideal in how conducive it is to me reaching my goals, physically and mentally. And I will be in a loving, positive environment in a totally kickass neighborhood in Chicago, living with one of the coolest, most brilliant (and hilarious) chicks I have ever had the honor of knowing. AND I can get the healthcare I truly need right now: chinese medicine. From one of the top professionals in the country. I feel very blessed right now, and absolutely love my life! And I'm always taken care of, I realize. Why do I stress?

I haven't been blogging because life has still felt unsettled, but I also am not happy with blogger, LOL (if the "truth be told"). I have a new website in the works, one that will be employed through wordpress, which is the proper site to use for what I am setting out to do. So, I will be blogging again, but for right now my goals are to successfully move downtown in a month after getting all my ducks in a row, and to build my site correctly and thoroughly. That means not rushing it. I promise you it'll be worth it! I'll also be doing video updates, so stay tuned. I'm really excited about this, it feels "right". I'm just ironing out the details and not rushing myself at this time.

Thank you all for your patience! Here's a few pictures from the last couple of months . . . And sorry my update is so boring, I could have written ten novels on the introspection I've done and the realizations of 2009 thus far, but I chose to spare you and just give a profile of what I'm up to and where I'm at.......

This is me with two of my dearest friends in the country. I miss them and their parents, but we are friends for life, so it's all good! Nice to have my country retreat, especially so I can keep an eye on all the sunflowers I planted!

This is me on the back of my dear friend BJ's bike about a month ago outside of Kingston Mines, before taking off for breakfast. He is the head of security, and one of my guardian angels, I swear! His birthday is the same as MLK, Jr's, in fact!
This is me in Chicago with my dear "sister" Jules, who stayed with us for a couple of months in Indiana. I met some fabulous friends there and wouldn't trade it for the world! I had to take her and Audra to Chicago for the weekend to cut loose - we had a blast!


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thailand Going-Away Party

Brody and I

Wes and I

Sam, Wes & I

The Israeli owner of "The Family" restaurant,
which I LOVE! Best Hummus & Falafel EVER!
And do we look related or WHAT? LOL!
He literally stopped me on the street to invite me
to his restaurant; I'm sure that's why he did. I'm glad
he was persistant, geeze it was good!

Poya, me and Tyler. My friends! I hung out with Tyler
(and his dad, lol) my last couple of weeks there. I miss him!

My friend Ashley from Seattle, who teaches at
the international school there and has a great son, Tre.
They were in a horrible scooter accident after I left!
I'm so happy to report they are recovering along nicely,
but how scary!

Ha ha ha, it was a fun night!

Me and my friend Alli from Sweden!
She's such great people!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Namsaknoi & Me

My friend finally tagged me in this shot. Fun times! Can't wait to get back, more of an update soon, and tons more muay thai shots to come up, including my going away party, as soon as I have access to my *own* computer again, lol! Hope you had all had a great holiday --- I got the new AC/DC cd and dvd, so I'm a happy girl.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Hi Honeys, I'm Home!

Hey Everyone!

I'm still so jetlagged, I cannot keep my eyes open at all right now. But I'm back in Oregon, in the states, everything went safely, I have tons of muay thai pictures and even some videos to upload, but please be patient with me the next couple days while I house/couch surf and work on a plan. I have soooo much that has happened since I got home, life is beautiful but always just so unexpected and wild. Above all, it is good. I'm glad to be home, I'm looking forward to returning, blah blah blah, Happy Holidays and I'll be in touch soon.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Free Hugs Campaign

Has everybody seen this? It's been around for a bit, but it's really cool and very touching. I love how it goes from black and white to color after the first hug......

SEVA Organization: Great Gift Ideas

It's gift-giving season. For most people, that means something material. But it occurred to me to write about a great organization called SEVA FOUNDATION. I've gotten gifts of service before for family members and friends, and highly recommend it.
The SEVA FOUNDATION is awesome. Through it, you can pay for tuition for sight restoration for people in places like Cambodia or Nepal, and literally pay for the procedure of restoring sight to a blind person. You can also pay for poor villages to receive clean water or for people to recieve literacy education and materials. Likewise, you can assist in building healthier Native American communities, and diabetes awareness education for them. You can also help mothers and babies in poor and developing countries.
I've paid for the education of young women in Guatemala and have purchased vision surgery for people as gifts. What happens is you are asked what you want to put in the card, and they customize it for you. Then you receive a beautiful card in the mail to give to the person you purchased it for, with their name printed in it and saying what was purchased in their honor.
It's a beautiful gift, and truly what "the season" is all about, to me. Check out their website and their vision and mission; they truly are the real deal and do profound work all over the globe!

Stand By Me: Sung From Around The World

Just watch this. It's amazing! All different musicians from around the world coming together to perform one song at the same time, via technology. One BEAUTIFUL song. And the musicians are AMAZING and the style and sheer talent in this creation makes me sorely miss the hole-in-the-wall joints I go see Joe Barr and other similar soul singers at in my hometown, "Sweet Home" Chicago. I JUST LOVE THIS. The South African music at the end, as always, gives me goosebumps. I WILL make it to Africa one day, mark my words......
Anybody who's read my AC/DC posts knows how I feel about music. I love it. All different kinds. I know it alone has even kept me alive during periods of my life. In the immortal words of Andrew Wood of Mother Love Bone in the song "Man Of Golden Words":
Let's fall in love with music
The driving force in our living
The only international language
Divine glory, the expression
The knees bow, the tongue confesses
The lord of lords, the king of kings
I actually dedicate this post to two people, my dad and my friend Cheryl, a.k.a. "Shmacks".
My dad for blaring all different kinds of music throughout my childhood (some of my first memories are of listening to Blondie, Black Sabbath or The Kinks), for sharing his gift of music appreciation and knowledge of great, great music with both my brother and I, and now on to my nephew via all of us.
and Shmacks for the great and diverse love and excitement we share for music -- and for understanding that car stereos are for loud music, and that voices are for yelling over it; fingers are not for turning down stereos because you feel the need to say something during a great song. So many have it backwards, LOL! We've gone hoarse while bonding over The Doors, Madonna's B-Sides, you name it. Ah, memories.
Playing For Change: Song Around the World "Stand By Me"

From the Youtube post:

From the award-winning documentary, "Playing For Change: Peace Through Music", comes the first of many "songs around the world" being released independently.

Featured is a cover of the Ben E. King classic by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it travelled the globe.

This and other songs such as "One Love" will be released as digital downloads soon; followed by the film soundtrack and DVD early next year.

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