Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Protein Myth

Why do we all believe that we must eat meat to get enough protein?

Let’s go back many years ago to the year 1914 . . . .

In 1914, two men by the names of Osborn and Mendel experimented with rats. They discovered that rats grew faster when they ate protein from animal foods than when they ate protein from plant foods.

Based on this information, these two men classified meat protein as class “A” protein and plant protein as class “B” protein. Those classifications automatically categorized animal protein as superior to plant protein. To this day, many Americans still believe that animal protein is superior to plant protein.

From these experiments on rats, these two men made the assumption that rats and human beings required the same amino acids or proteins for growth. In fact, it was later discovered that rats and human beings have different requirements for protein.

In other words, just because rats grew faster with animal protein, didn’t mean that people would also.

Fast forward to the 1940s. More experiments were conducted on rats. The conclusion was made once again that rats grew faster eating animal protein, specifically from eggs, than from eating plant protein.

The egg industry got wind of these experiments and made the assumption that if eggs and all animal products were the best sources of protein for rats, then they must be the best sources of protein for human beings. Now mind you, the researchers still regarded these experiments as only theory, not fact. But the egg industry didn’t care if the information was fact or fiction.

As the saying goes, the rest is history.

Even though there was not one shred of evidence that human beings required outside sources of protein from animal products, the egg, dairy, and meat industries banned together. They lobbied the United States Department of Agriculture, and, in 1956, convinced the government to officially endorse the birth of the one and only: Four Food Groups. Protein found in meat was officially declared by the government to be superior to the protein found in plants.

And as we all know, the “Four Food Groups” consists of meat, dairy products, refined grains, and fruits and vegetables; the fruits and vegetables are thrown together into one category—relegated to a minor role or a side dish in our meals.

Have you ever wondered where you get protein if you don't eat meat?

Answer #1: What is protein for? Simply stated, protein is for growth. When do we grow the most?
From birth to one year old.When do we need the most protein? From birth to one year old.
What is the best food for growing babies? Breast milk. How much protein is in breast milk? 4.5% protein. That's all! Not coincidentally, the World Health Organization recommends 4.5% protein in our diets. That's all!

Oranges have 8% protein, broccoli 45%, romaine lettuce 36%, brown rice 8 %, kidney beans 26% protein.

Plant foods give us plenty of protein, without the fat and cholesterol that come with animal protein.

Two more protein points:

1. Plant protein is not inferior to animal protein like we were all taught to believe.

2. Plant proteins don't have to be mixed and matched to make a "complete" protein. Eat a variety of plant foods, and Mother Nature has taken care of the perfect mixing and matching.

Don't believe me? That's understandable - given what we've been taught since we were babies.

Just read for yourself. The China Study by Dr. Campbell, The McDougall Program - 12 Days to Dynamic Health, by Dr. McDougall, Eat to Live, Dr. Fuhrman, Reversing Heart Disease, Dr. Esselstyn, The Food Revolution, John Robbins, to just name a few references.

Answer #2: Look to nature for commonsense answers. Where do cows, horses, giraffes, and large elephants get their protein to grow and maintain big, strong muscles?

They don't eat cows, pigs, lambs, chickens, fish, eggs, protein bars, or protein drinks. They eat unrefined plant foods, and not a huge variety at that.

If they can get plenty of protein from plants, so can we.

Of course, you can choose to eat animal protein. But it's exactly that - a choice, not a necessity.
I know it's hard to swallow (little pun there), but just take one small bite at a time and chew and chew and chew. After a while, the truth makes more sense and is a bit easier to swallow.

Note from MISS-INFORMED: While protein deficiency is virtually unheard of, too much protein, as many Americans get, is directly related to osteoporosis . . . which many Americans do get. Yet you don't hear people stressing about this fact when they sit down to a huge plate of chicken or steak.......

All of the above excellent information is from articles by Dr. Leslie Van Romer. More information about and excellent articles by Dr. Leslie Van Romer can be found here and here.

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