It's gift-giving season. For most people, that means something material. But it occurred to me to write about a great organization called SEVA FOUNDATION. I've gotten gifts of service before for family members and friends, and highly recommend it.
The SEVA FOUNDATION is awesome. Through it, you can pay for tuition for sight restoration for people in places like Cambodia or Nepal, and literally pay for the procedure of restoring sight to a blind person. You can also pay for poor villages to receive clean water or for people to recieve literacy education and materials. Likewise, you can assist in building healthier Native American communities, and diabetes awareness education for them. You can also help mothers and babies in poor and developing countries.
I've paid for the education of young women in Guatemala and have purchased vision surgery for people as gifts. What happens is you are asked what you want to put in the card, and they customize it for you. Then you receive a beautiful card in the mail to give to the person you purchased it for, with their name printed in it and saying what was purchased in their honor.
It's a beautiful gift, and truly what "the season" is all about, to me. Check out their website and their vision and mission; they truly are the real deal and do profound work all over the globe!
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