Friday, October 17, 2008


Today is Friday, October 17th. (In Thailand, at least). I have exactly two weeks until Halloween, and I intend to meet some pretty important goals by then.

Today Bob hurt his back, so he sold me his V.I.P. session (one-on-one for an hour) with Dang for 250 baht. I would have done afternoon training today since I finally slept, but instead I did the VIP. Why not? Besides, Dang is a fun trainer......

I just felt awful throughout it. I don't know if it's just a hangover from eating shittier than I'm used to the last few days or what, and sometimes the language barrier doesn't help, but I felt and fought like total garbage, which makes me just want to give up altogether when I'm feeling whiney like I am now.

Tomorrow I am going to workout with Lindsey, a good friend and pro-fighter here, and I think I decided to do V.I.P. training for the next 2 weeks to help me feel more confident as well as meet my goals. I think I'm going to work with Ot and Bang Man for those two weeks, which I'm really excited about because they are patient and correct you on everything. I'll still do my regular training (unlike this week) and hopefully by Halloween feeling like this will be a thing of the past as I'll be smoothie-fasting, more hydrated (than I've been the last few days), sleeping regularly (makes all the difference!) and running again, etc. It's amazing what 3 days of slacking will do, even if one of them was due to a visa run and the other two are because you're under the weather and not sleeping.....

I really wish I felt better right now, so I'm just going to work on a project. I have so many great things going on in my life right now, but as usual, it doesn't mean A THING if you don't have your health! I know that far too well, quite frankly, which is the reason why I'm here.

By Halloween I'll be at my halfway mark, meaning I will have completed 50% of my visit and therefore should be at about 50% of my goals. Two weeks of training (maybe not twice a day), running, smoothies and VIP training, plus some weight lifting ought to change SOMEthing, right?

You can achieve anything you want in life

if you have the courage to dream it,

the intelligence to make a realistic plan,

and the will to see that plan through to the end.

Sidney A. Friedman

Interesting Update:

Tonight I went for a stroll, listening to some music. (I seem to be hooked on "American Badass" by Kid Rock these days-?!) and saw a pretty bad motor vehicle accident - 2 scooters/motorbikes strewn across the street with a crowd of people surrounding 2 people laying down on the ground. Then the ambulances pulled up. I have no idea if the drivers were wearing helmets, many don't. Still, it was quite sobering and made me appreciative of what I DO have, even if it's not where I want to be. Sometimes God gives us reality checks. . . . .

I was just thinking a lot about how as long as I know I'm doing my best, I'm okay with things being as they are. But if I know I'm not pushing myself to my limits and doing my best, I do get down on myself a bit. I'm off to bed early tonight, and train with Lindsey tomorrow, Saturday. I made it all raw and on all smoothies today, so tomorrow should be a better day.

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