Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Just Cannot Eat Like Everybody Else

That is what it basically comes down to, kids. I mean, anybody that comes to Thailand, even just to party, generally loses weight. That is just common knowledge and is due to the lack of fast food and so many preservatives, even if they are eating whatever the hell they want.

I'm one of the only vegans in Phuket, I swear, and it's a place that is surprisingly very meat-heavy in diet. (I've heard other places in Thailand were more vegetarian-friendly, probably poorer areas, honestly). Truthfully, even if you AREN'T vegan, it's a good place to maybe eat more vegan considering the fact that most meat sits out under the the tropics...for hours, before people buy it. That's just not good, and why most countries have laws surrounding that kind of thing.

If I go out, I can get away with fruit, a salad, sauteed vegetables or Som Tam, a wickedly good spicy raw green papaya salad. But that's about it.

Whenever I even eat vegan (therefore healthier, easier digestable) versions of what EVERYBODY ELSE is eating, my body reacts. I stop sleeping, I'm lethargic, I don't want to train, my body feels hotter and slower, my blood sugar goes haywire and I just crave bad stuff all day, I get so bloated it messes with my head, causing me to truly think I've gained 50lbs in like 3 days, which is how it feels. And I'm just talking about rice and noodle dishes, people, sometimes (if I'm lucky) with some tofu in it. With like a coconut-curry sauce, etc. You know, good stuff!

It's like I'm ALLERGIC to it, I swear. I know it's some kind of "blessing in disguise", because then I can only put optimal nutrition in my body (without repercussion, that is), but it certainly doesn't feel like it all the time, let me tell you. I just have to remember that my body hasn't been well in a long time, and it's still working hard to catch up, health-wise, as well as conquer Candida. After all, there is only one dis-ease, called Toxemia. It just has many names and faces. My digestion is clearly compromised still. Either that or highly selective, LOL!

I don't know when or if I'll ever be able to eat like other people; especially when what makes them healthier makes me feel like total crap and affects every area of my being. Then again, I've done a million cleanses and although I am far from perfect in terms ot toxicity, perhaps I'm more cleaned out than I think. If a lot of these other people KNEW how good and how much stronger you feel while juice-fasting, or how much MORE energy you have on blended foods, maybe their bodies would remind THEM, too, when they ate less than perfect. In the meantime, it's just letting them know that less toxins make you feel better, so they are being rewarded when they eat a big Thai meal. I however am being punished, LOL! At least that's how it feels.

It's not that I can "never" have that stuff, I just have to be very careful with it, and it's extremely frustrating. I know now that if today is my first day "eating right", I won't feel okay for about 2 more days. HOW LAME, RIGHT?

I know that I do best on blended foods and liquids, always have and always will. It is just simple science that the more nutrient and mineral dense and more assimilable /bioavailable your food is, the better you will feel, the more energy you will have and the healthier you will be.

Honestly, I just wish I had some Udo's Oils here. I cannot wait to get on them this winter when I'm in the states again!

Most people dig their graves with a fork and a spoon.



Anonymous said...

here, here sister! I'm in the same boat it seems so you're not alone!:) I just look at anything w/ a carb count in it, *boom*, add 5lbs. The better I eat the less tolerant my body is of the 'SAD bad' stuff. Kind of cool to see how I once could munch down on some hershey's chocolates and now, I hate the way they make me feel. Can't wait to get started on my juice feasting though! said...

Hey Girl!!!! Although I wouldn't wish it on anybody, I'm glad I'm "not alone", lol! Or CRAZY. I know it's your body's way of keeping you on track, and we should be grateful, but yeah, it's annoying. I AM DOING THE BIGGEST LOSER COMPETITION HERE WITH MY FRIENDS, IT'S GOING TO ROCK!!! We start Monday and I'm back in the swing of things already....the pms is being numbed (sorry; it's out of control, though, and that's what medication is for; just so we can do the other healthy things sometimes, and on it for as short a period as possible) and I'm eating better. Although I'm partying Saturday, I'll be sensible and I'm training again and the bloating feels better today versus yesterday...and hopefully will be "even better" tomorrow. Dare to dream! I hope so!!!!
