So, the hair has been an issue. Strands come out and get stuck to my soaking wet arms and legs during training, and then it irritates me to the point of interfering with my training. THAT, and the humidity is causing it to just dread, the other day it took me hours to get through the rats nest, I thought I was going to have to cut it out or shave my head. Wierd! I don't have time, energy or patience for that, so I just end up ripping out too much hair.
I watched a killer muay thai movie last night called CHOCK-DEE, and it was really inspiring. I couldn't wait to get up at 5:30 a.m., before the sun was up, to run (and did). I realized a fighter's got to do what a fighter's got to do, so for now my hair will be in 2 Pocahontus-type braids until I can figure out anything else to do with it. It works. I think i'll remove them every other day to wash it, then rebraid it just to keep it out of trouble. Works for me! And it highlights the lobes, if I do say so myself, LOL!
As well, and this picture soooo doesn't do it justice, I received my first "blow". My upper leg has a huge, hard knot in it that was black within minutes of the hit. I was sparring, and pretty much suck at blocking. This bruise is literally 3-D, and by that I mean I noticed it first showering because I thought it was a bone sticking out. Sniff! Lindsey says the skin will just toughen, but I just think I need to learn how to block better. My reflexes are awful, I just am working on fitness and doing my best and am waiting for it all to come together. I began to get down on myself today, then realized how absurd that is, truthfully, considering all I'm doing! Nobody else judges me here, so I am trying my best not to, too. I hope this heals quickly, but I have a feeling something this nasty is going to stick around a bit! Ugh!
nice bruise! it might take a week to disappear completely, after changing colour and shape each day. oh and it might get hard as well... welcome to martial arts!
THANKS FOR THE WARM WELCOME, LOL! It is already hard - that's how I noticed it. Yeah, I'll have more of those before I have less, surely. "Joy!" What doesn't kill me............ Peace! Oh, and dude - you should see it TODAY, groan. Thanks for dropping in! Erica Mary
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