Sunday, October 19, 2008


I almost entitled this post There Is No God.......
Right now I think I finally figured out WHY I am struggling for about the last week: the heat. We've all acknowledged that it has gotten consistently hotter by the day as of about one week ago, and I cannot lie, it's bothering me.
I don't want to get out of bed, get dressed, or pretty much do anything. And it's affecting my sleep, which of course affects my training, which is WHY I keep focusing on my goals in my head but am in a bit of a personal rut.
This morning the power went out for like an hour at 6am. ALL THE FANS WENT OUT. For the record, we each have a fan at the foot of our bed and there is a giant ceiling fan.
When the power went out, we all actually WOKE UP from the sweltering heat. Not good!
I am planning on moving here, so I'm a bit nervous right now, although they say you "adapt".
Anyways, tonight I go to the market to stock up on dragon fruit so I can get on my Vega Nutrition Shakes tomorrow and call it a day. Honestly, it'll be so nice - especially since I am not doing the green smoothies. I think I'll even give up bananas for the next 11 days, too. Eating that light will be a must in this weather, and I look forward to having fresh vegetable juice here because it's all I'll live on, honestly.
So, this weather transition is kind of at the pit of my struggle right now. Mind you, Chicago heat and humidity was awful to me...........
Right now it's transitioning between the "rainy" season and the "hot" it's kind of awkward. They say that soon it'll be hotter, but it won't be so dang muggy --- at least not as bad. Let's all just hope that that is the truth, because if it's just going to be a lot worse than it is now, I'm second-guessing moving here, although that's the ONLY reason why I'd second guess it so I'm determined to adjust!
Just doing the thin nutrition shakes should help keep the body cooler, though. I can't wait for tomorrow, geeze, because I need some relief during this transition!
It's funny, I was just telling Bob about this issue, and it's funny that HE was just getting ready to tell me that he wants to live in the tropics the rest of his life BECAUSE of the weather....because you CANNOT be fat here. LOL! And he's soooooooo right. I thought of that "benefit" too, for sure. I mean, every extra ounce on your body feels like 50lbs. In the winter is when people generally get lazy and wear tons of clothes so they don't notice all the weight they are packing on! Kind of like elastic waistlines, it's not really our friend even if it seems like a comfort, LOL!
The nice thing about living and working here IS that I could pretty much wear a bathing suit and/or sarong to work, and because it's a gym I can literally hop in a shower OR dump cold water on my head and body, as the fighters do during training (I'd do it, but I didn't bring enough shorts and training clothes to be soaking myself every day). So, it's not like there aren't coping mechanisms. I am just adapting because this is the closest to the equator I have ever lived, and my first time in the tropics. It's definitely motivating, mentally, to get in shape and stay in shape! MORE reason to move here, I reckon, than to not move here, ultimately.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mary,

It’s nice to read your blogs as I am planning to be there myself for three months next year. I live in London and am originally from Finland so you can be assured that I am not used to the tropical heath! What makes you want to move there, what would you plan to do there to earn living? What do you consider the best part of your life in Thailand? And hey, those green smoothies, this is only my third day but I am so full of energy and feel really good!! I have suddenly replaced about half of my meals with these, I have a few small meals a day (eggs od whole grain rye bread, porridge, stir fry minus the noodles/rice) and loads and loads of greens in my smoothies. I just crave for these smoothis and they make me want to not eat crap. Totally amazing and very good as I box and need to lose some weight. Anyway, good luck with all and hope you get used to the weather, at least you can go and swim! I’m telling, seven months of greyness in London isn’t fab!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mary/Erica
You will get used to the heat I promise x
My DH and I visit Thailand every year and although we now go to "the other gym" (we do MMA you see), we spent 2 years visitng Rawai and have awesome memories and lasing friends. I hope you will be there 17th Dec as thats when we arrive Phuket (after 5 weeks in Malaysia and Indo??) I would love to sample your raw delights and I have to say you have really turned us on to the "Green" way (She writes sipping a pineapple, banana and spinach smoothie :)). I am considering using "sprouts" and living foods too...what you think??.
Well hello again and have a blast at camp and keep up the it x
May you achieve all you strive for
Sharon Sayers said...

Hi Laura!
I am getting ready to announce it, just haven't had the time, but I'm moving here to work AT the gym, having my own juice and SMOOTHIE bar, plus some other raw snacks/sprouts, etc. ISN'T THAT JUST AMAZING? So, we may get to meet, and I can have smoothies ready for you. It's SO great that you are into them, they are so good for you and so filling and yummy, too, you know? GOOD FOR YOU! And my favorite thing about being here is how stress-free Thailand is. Much simpler living. Americans make themselves sick with their consumerism and overscheduling themselves and their families......that's not the case at all here. I LOVE IT!

Sharon, THANK YOU! And DOH, I leave on DECEMBER 16th, but I am moving here, so if you come here regularly we will definitely get to meet. I would LOVE to know someone at Tiger because I'd love to visit there some day just to see the fighting/training there, you know? :-) I won't have any raw snacks and stuff available, anyways, until I get back early next year. And, by the way, spinach, pineapple and banana sounds divine! For sprouts, which are the only "biogenic", or truly LIVING food, I'd say it's great to use them, but they may alter the taste. I can taste alfalfa from a mile away and I love it on stuff or alone but not blended in a drink. HOWEVER, you can use Sunflower Greens, which are a leafy sprout and natural superfood, and I used them all the time in green smoothies at home. Don't forget to make smoothies when you are here, too, it helps so much with the weather and training, etc.

THIS IS GREAT THAT YOU BOTH ARE ENJOYING THE SMOOTHIES, HONESTLY! WHAT WONDERFUL TESTIMONIALS! You two just made my day, honest to God, and reconfirmed my mission to serve great nutrition in Phuket! Looks like I'll get to meet you both one day, and I look forward to it!

Thanks for reading,
Erica Mary

Anonymous said...

Hi again,

I'm soooooo excited, I can get the real true original green smoothies if you're there - I'll be your best customer! Yeeeeih! I made one to take to work today, haha, looked like a mud-grass mix, but totally kicked ass!

AND I know exactly how you feel about consumerism etc, you don't know how much I have thought about it and talked about it and wrote about it recently and that's one of the reasons I'm coming to Thailand! First reason is my love of boxing and second is t get out of this Western society and the rat race and everything. I no longer spend money on anything, I aim to buy just good quality unpackaged healthy food and that's about it. Which is kind of a mission in London. But I no longer have any desire spending on crap; clothes, magazines, make-up, going out, drinking etc. Agghh.. I could go on forever. And of course I can't spend cause I need to save up to come to Thailand, haha!

By the way, are you into meditation at all by any chance? That is nourishment for the soul. Is there any good facilities there to do yoga/meditation on the side?

Your blog makes the whole Thailand thing into reality - it's only been a dream for me so far. So please type away, I'll be here reading!

Lots of love and courage and happiness,

Laura said...


My meditations are always walking meditations. I didn't think that was valid until Ram Dass (sp?) wrote about that kind of meditation, and it clicked with me. Then again, I'm born "year of the tiger" - I HAVE to pace, go on long walks, etc.

There are a lot of buddhist monasteries here, and they say you can go stay with them for a week or so if you want. I'd LOVE to do that, and do a SILENT RETREAT (very powerful as well). Maybe when I come back, right?

That is awesome that this blog helps make Thailand a reality - and you are really into minimalism too. My friend told me about a book about it, but I have to email her to find out the name, it sounded badass, about only keeping 10% of your belongings, etc.

Thailand seemed like just something I said I was doing until I actually got here. Even on the plane, it didn't sink in. I panicked once or twice, in a WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? kind of way, late at night, but honestly, it's just the greatest decision I've made. Outside of the fitness training, I BROKE OUT OF THE "MOLD", you know? Of people who never take risks, try anything new, etc. Of never leaving the country, etc. I used to sit at my desk and like panic that life was passing me by, you know? I don't have that feeling here.

WHEN ARE YOU COMING NEXT YEAR? I flew China Airlines and they were excellent and CHEAP AS HELL in this day and age of ridiculous airline prices. Actually, it sunk in that I was going to Thailand FIRST when I got in line at San Francisco International Airport and freakin everybody was from Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Singapore, the Middle East.... I was like one of five white people on that 747!!! THAT is when it hit me and I got excited. I LOVE ETHNIC DIVERSITY, and Oregon has like NONE of it, lol!

Anonymous said...

Haha, here I am currently in my office typing away, bet you’re not jealous? The whole minimalist thing is kind of a reaction to the over-all global situation – and of course part of personal (and natural) development. But I am proud to say that at this glorious age of 28 I still don’t own anything, not even one single piece of furniture. All I have is clothes, books, stuff, you know, photos and letters and personal memories and a laptop. But I don’t think it would be a disaster if I had to give up everything. It’s just the society I live in that kind of requires me to dress accordingly and so on, but I really don’t think happiness is linked to material possessions. And this comes from someone who has a degree in fashion, hahaha! I used to go to Buddhist meditation (to my shame I must admit I haven’t been in ages but I try to meditate at home, at least I try to remember to be thankful for what I have, think positive and show respect), so good news about Buddhist temples.

I have a feeling this trip to Thailand will be a world-changing experience for me, as a person, living in a different environment, and also I am really looking forward to developing as a fighter.

BTW I just had a green smoothie in the office (of course, as you do) and my colleague was like ‘oh my god, what’s that’, haha, yes, I know it once again looked like a pile of mud but it was tasty. And I feel a bit like flu might hit me so I need all sorts of vitamins for my defense.

By the way, have you considered tailoring green smoothies according to what people need, mint for digestion, spinach for anemia and so on.. I don’t know, I’m just guessing.

Gotta go back to work now, I will continue dreaming of the warm Thailand. Ciao!

Laura said...

You are right that it is a reaction to our global world!

I've sat at my desk/computer too many years myself. This is life-changing, for sure. The thought of going back to the states to return to that way of life, it's almost like a part of me CAN'T.

So, the green smoothies: ALL of them increase HCL (stomach acid),which almost everyone is deficient in. I do plan on offering at least 2 different kinds, and the mint is a nice touch, for sure. :-) Spinach should be in all of them, ideally. But like parsley is a SUPERFOOD, and could go in one and not the other. It's excellent for the kidneys, too (diuretic). Stuff like that is fun to play with! Let me know what combinations you like, and I'm laughing because my coworkers would die, too, and ask me about the "swamp drink"....but then one finally tried it and started making them immediately and LOVED how it made her feel. It's so 'green eggs and ham', you know? lol! Good for you!