Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cashew Nut Restaurant

The Cashew Nut is "the" restaurant that most students eat at from the gym. It's only about 60 meters away, right by the market where everybody buys their water and uses the internet cafe, etc. It's right next to Su's massage, actually. The food is excellent and the family that runs it is simply the best. "Si" (sp?) pronounced "Sigh" (and meaning 'sand' in English) is the daughter, and her parents "Mum" and "Rut" are often around, "Rut' especially. I keep telling them i'm bringing Rut home; I don't think they understand that I'm serious.

You can go there alone and almost always count on running into others from the gym, and sitting with them. The more show up and pull up a chair, and you end up there for a looong time, shooting the breeze. It's a fabulous, laid-back time.

While they actually will prepare fried tofu for me, I generally stick to young coconuts, sometimes fruit plates, and almost always super hot-chili pepper curried sauteed vegetables. The kind that make you break a sweat. I crave foods hotter and hotter by the day here, it's unreal. Fine by me as it's really good or me, but still a shock since I used to think people who ate foods that hot were crazy. Now I cannot get enough, the hotter the better. I'm talking 10 chili peppers per dish, easy, people. Good stuff! Mona tried a bite of mine and just about choked, LOL!

Even at night you can't miss the sign. By the way, the sun goes down around 6:30pm here because we are so close to the equator.

Here is Lindsey, posing under the sign a la "Vanna White"

This is me with my dear friend Si. Isn't she precious? I just love her! She's buddhist, and always so loving and humble. She is helping me out with my Thai lessons as she speaks great english herself (although she doesn't think so). I just love seeing her smiling face every day, and so will you!

Here's a shot of the restaurant. Like I've mentioned before,
all restaurants here are pretty much outside.

Here's a group of students I'm friends with that just happened to be there.
See what I mean?

Precious Rut! I just adore him! :-)

Adorable Si at work!

One of the excellent chefs! (They let me in the kitchen, lol!)

The other incredible chef, always so nice!

Cashew Nut is usually a big part of most student's trips to Rawai Gym. Most get their muesli with fresh fruit and yogurt for breakfast there, but I don't do yogurt as a vegan. Still, all of their dishes are wonderful, and they take every precaution to make sure you know you are welcome there. For example, I usually make up my own dishes, just describing what I'd like since Phuket is surprisingly not as vegan-friendly as I thought it would be, and they always oblige.
Beautiful people, great food, and a wonderful family. The minute I walk in or stop by even just to talk, i'm greeted warmly, with a loving "Sawadeeka, Mary!" (sp?) ("Hello, Mary!) and a bow of respect. So much better than pulling a number at Olive Garden at home, sorry. (LOL!) Experiences like this are one of the reasons I cannot wait to return to Thailand. Cashew Nut and the conversations I've had there and the friends I've met there have been a huge part of my positive experience in Thailand, no doubt!
By all means, eat there!

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