Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Love The Thais!

Su, with Danny Avison, the gym's internet manager
Tonight I took off on a stroll because it was so beautiful out and it's a great opportunity for me to listen to some tunes.

As I was walking back from up the way, Su, the beautiful owner of Su's Massage (which is just a hop, skip and a jump down the way from the gym), waved me down and called me over by name to sit down with her. She and some of the others were hanging out at one of the local shops, sitting around eating at a table. It was at the same stretch of shops that we had the birthday party. . . .

She had made a cooked spicy salad, and invited me to join in. How kind! Someone jumped up and got me some water, all these fresh vegetables and herbs were sitting on the table, Thai-style, and they warned me the salad was very spicy. Thais always seem delighted when you tell them that you LOVE spicy foods with lots of fresh chili pepper, etc., and they were no exception, LOL!

It was a lovely time, and totally imprompu. Various neighbors and friends showed up and grabbed some food, too. The Thais take care of each other, and their extended families run large.

Here are Su's two massage therapists (both of whom are EXCELLENT massage therapists) at the table where we sat - except that this picture wasn't taken tonight. They were both there this evening, and are just lovely people. Every time I walk by there it seems somebody is waving excitedly, yelling, "Hi Mary!" with a giant smile on their face. What a way to make your day, honest to God!

I really want to take Su's Thai massage course, but I'm not sure I can afford it this time around. I am going to have my friend Mindy fly out to take it, though, and she cannot wait!

What a nice, unexpected evening. The Thais are so generous and so laid back. It's a big part of why visiting Rawai Gym is so special, honestly. I mean, what's not to like? Especially when Su is such an AMAZING chef. Yum!

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