Monday, November 17, 2008

Is There Anybody Out There?

Nobody leaves me comments anymore. I know there are a bunch of silent readers; people tell me when they get here that they read it all the time and it's usually a big reason why they decided to come, even.
So this blog gets a lot of hits, but I feel like I'm writing to NOBODY anymore because there's no interaction at all. It's feeling wierd, lol! I mean, how do you not comment about "Dive" by Andrea Gibson? That I don't get. I'm going to keep posting of course, it's just kind of wierd-feeling, that's all.
My family? My friends? Rawai Gym Message Boarders? My blog has over 5,000 hits through that alone. Anybody? Bueller? Bueller? Drop me a line, people! I feel like I'm writing to a brick wall anymore over here, LOL!


zenithnadir said...

your friend, what is his name, chia-chi i think, is hella hella hot

Anonymous said...

I'm reading :)

Anonymous said...

I'm reading....all the way from Australia. Have never met you but love the blog!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sweetie, you are not alone x
Your blog is so interesting and I check daily.
I shall try your reccommended Cheaper Than cafe as I too Looooove the som tam.. Say hello to Lyns too as its been yeaaaars since I have seen her.... Hope to hook up this Christmas...
Do not despair....we love you x x
Shaz S x (also a facebook buddy x x x) said...

Awwwww, thanks guys!!!! I just needed a pep talk, I guess. In-between fawning over Chia-Chi, that is (LOL!) He's right about himself, Chiach is quite the looker. Shaz, will tell her!

Love you all,

Unknown said...

I read you blog all the time, Erica! I think it's great. I know that both mom & dad read it as well.




Anonymous said...

I am here, reading it every day, didn't want to be just me commenting every day cause I felt a bit sad. Lots of love! Laura xx said...

Awww, thanks Hose (that's my TWIN BROTHER, everyone - I'll post a pic of him soon!) Glad to hear it, warms the heart. I do feel far away even though I ADORE Thailand and realize it's just a flight away. The world really is a small place.

Laura, my sista in another country, I know I can always count on you, girl! CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU!

Lindsey made me promise to come back very very soon, so I hope to just get 2 jobs, continue writing and selling stuff, and just get back here. I'll fight next time as I can run and train in the states, too. It's worth being a punching bag in the ring (LOL, kidding, I'll win) just to get into the fights for FREE after that! They are otherwise quite expensive for farangs (80 baht for a Thai, friggin 10000 baht for a foreigner!)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mary dont worry we all love your blog's, in fact they hav become part of my daily routine. I get home from work log on and check out what news you hav posted today.

So keep them coming and see you in 23 days.


jollyrancher said...

us people in iowa love your adventures in thai land we raise veal you stated you were a vegen does that mean all you eat is veal any ways keep on keeping on

Anonymous said...

Wow - I always read your MySpace blog but didn't know about this blog until I happened on your MySpace page today, cuz you've posted a new photo and that was in my "news feed"... Anyway, long story short - YOUR BLOGS RULE and I would've started reading this one much sooner! :) I'll totally keep reading (and commenting!) said...

jollyrancher, I miss your jollyness and look forward to it when I get home, lol!

and dawn, THANKS!:-) that just made my day, and my day is just beginning. It's 10:13pm and I am about to do personal training with Lindsey....who kicks my butt big time, and by that I mean HUGE. I have to don the sneaks, she makes me run....... (LOL)

LBG said...

I read your blog regularly. I now have a dream to train Muay Thai at Rawai! Thanks for all of the tips and advice for when that day actually comes!

Unknown said...

With readership from inception for it's quality writing, your blog is no exception. Write on!